Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Today I got an e-mail from Don Cheadle

In addition to being a Debbie Downer (waaaa waaa), I'm also someone who likes to be involved in a bazillion extracurricular activities. Think Max Fischer from that movie Rushmore. Except no beret. And I'm not a dude.

One of my many extracurricular activities is to save Darfur. At first I attempted to do this single-handedly, and I'd like to say that I made some headway, but frankly it wasn't pretty. Luckily I stumbled upon the official Save Darfur Website, and this has made things much easier.

On this website, you can sign up for the Weekly Action Network, which basically means that every week they send you an e-mail asking you to do something small to help the effort. For example, today Don Cheadle sent an e-mail asking me to petition the Whitehouse. Usually it's just filling out a form e-mail that gets sent to the Whitehouse. It's very simple to do, so why not?

Sometimes they actually ask you to call your Congressperson. And one time I actually called the Whitehouse comment line. Apparently they have a phone line that is manned by operators whose purpose is to collect comments from concerned citizens. This totally blew my mind. I wonder if any of those comments ever get listened to? And I wonder how many people call each day? I'd guess hundred of thousands, but I'd also be surprised if maybe they only get like 50.

Anyhow... the moral of this story is: It's important to have extracurricular activities and it's important to remember those who are much less fortunate than us, even if they are on the other side of the world and their problems seem irrelevant to our lives. We are citizens of the world, people! Global community! Save Darfur!

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